School of Studies in Life Science
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
Impact of "Nano" is always "Big"
Assistant Professor & Principal Investigator
Research Articles:
Gayan Premaratne, Jinesh Niroula, Manoj K. Patel, W. Zhong, S. L. Suib, K. A. Kalkan and Sadagopan Krishnan. Electrochemical and Surface Plasmon Correlation of Serum Autoantibody Immunoassay with Binding Insights: Graphenyl vs. Mercapto-Monolayer Surface. Analytical Chemistry (2018) 90: 12456- 12463 [I.F: 6.80].
Sandeep Kumar Verma, Ashok Kumar Das, Manoj K. Patel, Ashish Shah, Vinay Kumar, Saikat Gantait. Engineered Nanomaterials for Plant Growth and Development: A Perspective Analysis. Science of the Total Environment (2018) 630:1413-1435 [I.F: 8.20].
Manoj K. Patel, Md. Azahar Ali, Sadagopan Krishnan, Ved Varun Agrawal, Al A. A. Kheraif, H. Fouad, Z. A. Ansari, S. G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. A Label-Free Photoluminescence Genosensor Using Nanostructure Magnesium Oxide for Cholera Detection. Scientific Reports (2015) 5:17384 [I.F: 3.80].
Pratima R. Solanki, Manoj K. Patel, Md. Azahar Ali and Bansi D. Malhotra. Chitosan Modified Nickel Oxide Platform for Biosensing Applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2015) 3: 6698-6708 [I.F: 6.10].
Manoj K. Patel, Ved Varun Agrawal, Bansi D. Malhotra and S.G. Ansari. Nanostructured Magnesium Oxide: A Suitable Material for DNA Based Biosensors. Materials Focus (2014) 3:1-11.
Manoj K. Patel, Md. Azahar Ali, Saurabh Srivastava, Ved Varun Agrawal, S. G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. Magnesium Oxide Grafted Carbon Nanotubes Based Impedimetric Genosensor for Biomedical Application. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2013) 50: 406-413 [I.F: 10.70]
Manoj K. Patel, Md. Azahar Ali, Md. Zafaryab, Ved Varun Agrawal, M. Moshahid Alam Rizvi, Z. A. Ansari, S. G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. Biocompatible Nanostructured Magnesium Oxide-Chitosan Platform for Genosensing Application. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2013) 45: 181-188 [I.F: 12.60].
Manoj K. Patel, Md. Azahar Ali, Ved Varun Agrawal, Z. A. Ansari, S. G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. Nanostructured Magnesium Oxide Biosensing Platform for Cholera Detection. Applied Physics Letters (2013) 102: 144106 [I.F: 3.50].
Azahar Ali, P. R. Solanki, Manoj K. Patel, H. Dhayani, V. V. Agrawal, R. John and Bansi D. Malhotra. Highly Efficient Microfluidics Nano Biochip Based on Nanostructured Nickel Oxide. Nanoscale (2013) 5: 2883-2891 [I.F: 5.80].
Manoj K. Patel, Jai Singh, Manish K. Singh, Ved V. Agrawal, S.G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. Tin Oxide Quantum Dot Based DNA Sensor for Pathogen Detection. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2013)13: 1671-1678 [I.F: 1.35].
Manoj K. Patel, Md. Zafaryab, M. Moshed Alam Rizvi, Z. A. Ansari, Ved Varun Agrawal, Bansi D. Malhotra and S. G. Ansari. Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Effect of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles in Bacterial and Human Cells. Journal of Nanoengineeing and Nanomanufacturing (2013) 3: 162-166.
Manoj K. Patel, P. R. Solanki, Sachin Khandelwal, Ved V. Agrawal, S.G. Ansari and Bansi D. Malhotra. Self-Assembled Monolayer Based Nucleic Acid Sensor for Vibrio cholerae Detection. Journal of Physics Conference Series (2012) 358: 012009.
Manoj K. Patel, Ved V. Agrawal, B. D. Malhotra and S.G. Ansari. DNA Based Diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae Infection. Journal of Proteins and Proteomics (2012) 3: 39.
Pratima R. Solanki, Manoj K. Patel, Ajeet Kaushik, M.K. Pandey, R.K. Kotnala and Bansi D. Malhotra. Sol-gel Derived Nanostructured Metal Oxide Platform for Bacterial Detection. Electroanalysis (2011) 23: 2699-2708 [I.F: 3.07].
Manoj K. Patel, Ved V. Agrawal, Z.A. Ansari, B. D. Malhotra and S.G. Ansari. Use of DNA Sequence in Nano-Biosensing Techniques. Journal of Natural Science Biology and Medicine (2011) 2:134-135.
Manoj K. Patel, P. R. Solanki, A. Kumar, S. Gupta, S. Khare and Bansi D. Malhotra. Electrochemical DNA Sensor for Neisseria Meningitidis Detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2010) 25: 2586-2591 [I.F: 10.70].
Manoj K. Patel, P. R. Solanki, S. Seth, S. Gupta, S. Khare, A. Kumar and Bansi D. Malhotra. CtrA Gene Based Electrochemical Sensor for Meningitis Detection. Electrochemistry Communications (2009) 11: 969-973 [I.F: 4.70].
Manoj K. Patel, Suman and Ashok Kumar. Recent Laboratory Techniques for Diagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis. Bioscience and Biotechnology Research Communications (2008) 01:1-10.
Manoj K. Patel, Sunil Gupta, Shashi Khare, Ashok Kumar. DNA Based Diagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (2007) 22: 215.
Book Chapter:
Manoj K. Patel and Pratima R. Solanki. Nano-Biotechnology for Sensing Applications: From Lab to Field. Nanomaterials Based Immunosensors for Clinical Diagnostics Applications. Apple Academic Press, Waretown, New Jersey 08758 USA (2015) [ISBN: 9781771883283].